Skin in the game podcast


Hear from tech entrepreneurs, industry experts, community builders, and our own investment team on our Skin In The Game VC podcast.

  • Lucy Guo Passes & Perspectives

    Lucy Guo Passes & Perspectives

    In this podcast episode, Lucy Guo, a prominent entrepreneur and Thiel Fellow, shares her remarkable journey from receiving a Thiel Fellowship at the age of...

  • Matthew and Michael discuss their journey of creating a car sharing app called Lula

    Vega-Sanz: Passion in the Ordinary

    Founders of Lula Matthew and Michael Vega-Sanz join the latest episode of Skin In The Game VC Podcast with Tom Wallace and new co-host Saxon...

  • Joey Levy of Betr talks about micro-bettting

    Joey Levy: Building A Betr Company

    Florida-based entrepreneur Joey Levy adheres to the philosophy that providing an optimal customer experience is paramount to any company's success. Levy has used this belief...


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